It has finally been confirmed: Greece has a single but powerful weapon of mass destruction. Born in Minnesota U.S.A and fully developed in a northern suburb of Athens, it is currently located in the center of Greek Capital and often travels around the world. Although the majority of Greek people stand against its existence and use, unfortunately there are too many supporters, especially MPs and journalists.
It is concealed (seems harmless), it can escape even the more sophisticated security systems and resists every possible human countermeasure. No one knows his exact mechanism of action but it is highly dangerous. Lethal. Devastating. Even its initials are threatening: G.A.P.
George A. Papandreou.

He can ruin practically anything: a conversation, a negotiation, a plan, a deal.
In the vast field, he is even more dangerous. He can destroy everything: a political party, a summit, a society, a country, a nation, an international organization, a multinational community. Maybe the whole planet.
GAP Weapon. No nuclear, biological or chemical weapon can compare with it.
GAP Weapon. The absolute weapon of Greece.
God Help Us!
It is concealed (seems harmless), it can escape even the more sophisticated security systems and resists every possible human countermeasure. No one knows his exact mechanism of action but it is highly dangerous. Lethal. Devastating. Even its initials are threatening: G.A.P.
George A. Papandreou.

He can ruin practically anything: a conversation, a negotiation, a plan, a deal.
In the vast field, he is even more dangerous. He can destroy everything: a political party, a summit, a society, a country, a nation, an international organization, a multinational community. Maybe the whole planet.
GAP Weapon. No nuclear, biological or chemical weapon can compare with it.
GAP Weapon. The absolute weapon of Greece.
God Help Us!
5 σχόλια:
Σωστή η περιγραφή του άρθρου. Έχουμε να κάνουμε με δημόσιο κίνδυνο. Αν θέλεις, δες αυτό:
I 'll forward it to all my foreign friends.
Ωωωχχχχ.... Θα μας βομβαρδίσει το ΝΑΤΟ;
Προς Αυτόλυκον:
Εξαιρετικό. Τα σέβη μου
To Lavrentis:
Thnx Bro! (Ωχ! Γίναμε Αμερικανάκια!)
Προς mnk:
Εδώ που φτάσαμε τίποτα δεν αποκλείεται. Τρώμε που τρώμε οικονομικές μπόμπες, ας φάμε και κανονικές να ησυχάασουμε...
Προς Αριστείδη:
Ευχαριστώ, να είσαι καλά. Ότι μπορώ κάνω. Συνέχισε έτσι καί πιό δυνατά!
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